

Confidence in GOD

SDD 190 - Alice: I feel like a snail that came out of its shell and abandoned it. And I crawl like a snail, defenseless and naked. There is nowhere to hide and nothing to cover this defenselessness...
JESUS: Before whom, My child? There is no need before Me. You are in My hands and I will not offend you. I will protect you from the harshness of the world. And you don't have to crawl, because I will carry you to make it faster and safer.
Do not be afraid. The touches of My Love will cover you. You don't need the shell you used to so carefully shield your sensitivity from the world. This shell also separated you from Me. Now I will be your only protection and it will be better this way. This vulnerability will guarantee adherence to Me. And that's what I want from you and I want to be your only defender.

Alice: How many degrees of trust and devotion are there?
JESUS: Infinitely many. And we still have to work hard to make them more and more perfect. You see, this destruction of the photograph is the destruction of the shell that separated you from Me, connected you to the world and attached you to yourself. You also saw how important an act that symbolizes a specific intention is. An action in the material world embodies intentions - it implements.
It is a sign of a covenant with Me in a specific matter. Then I turn on My power and your word becomes flesh. Your act given to Me causes me to give you what is the content of your intention. Hence prayer, which is an intention, requires actions in the material world. And vice versa: every act, every situation should be combined and assigned to a specific intention. Then everything is prayer and has unlimited value.
Every, even the most banal, fact of life becomes the building of My Kingdom. The most valuable are those that require effort and self-denial. When they require giving up self-love in favor of love for Me.
That is why it is worth choosing what is more difficult in life - out of love for Me, to offer Me.
You once asked Me what you could give Me. What is more difficult is giving up yourself, forgetting about yourself for Me, helping My children for Me. Then I will truly be in you and we will be one.
You thought what would you get out of it - everything. Everything I have, you will have. And you will not miss Me, because there will be no separation.

SDD 432 - Alice: You have shown me much, Lord, and made me know. What to save?
JESUS: I showed you the evil in which the world is immersed. And the light of My love. And the children of My light, through whom My love reaches the earth and dries up the swamp of evil and illuminates the darkness.
Wherever I send a child of My light, there is My brightness, My love, My peace. Children who have completely trusted Me are surrounded by the glow of My light and darkness will not encompass them or touch them. They may walk among adders, and they will not bite them; among mud, and their feet will not be defiled. Covered with the cloak of My love, they can enter the lions' den and they will not touch them.
Unlimited trust in Me makes me clothe myself in the mantle of My light of love. In order for me to cover you with such a cloak, you must shed your own clothes in which you have been protecting yourself until now - with your self-care. You must leave yourself nothing. Then I will give you everything new and everything Mine, and you will truly be clothed in Me: in My power and My love. And also everything you need in your everyday life.
You, children of My love, are called to something much more perfect than caring for your body and its needs, or the needs of your own egoism. Your vocation is to live in Love and for the Love that I am.

SDD 433 - Alice: You know, Lord, how much I want to radically and absolutely give You everything and live only in You, but I am stuck in one place, paralyzed, and maybe even regressing...
JESUS: Let there be a constant call to Me in your heart, a constant desire and reliance on Me. You know, you had proof that I take up the matter given to Me and make it come true, even if everything indicates it is unrealistic. Even more so a soul that wants to give itself.
The feeling of powerlessness is necessary because it shows your real powerlessness and impotence. This is supposed to bring you closer to Me, not further you. You have to be like a blind woman: completely blind and helpless, and completely trusting - taking confident and courageous steps despite the blindness and darkness in which you are. It doesn't matter that you don't know that you can't. It's even better that this is the case. I hold you in My arms. I move your feet and your hands. I open your mouth and shape words in it. I move your heart and fill it with merciful, compassionate and helpful love that does not criticize or discourage you, but uplifts, supports and transforms. I do all this - but only when you surrender yourself to Me and trust Me, even if the greatest darkness surrounds you, even if you see and understand nothing.
Let there be only love desire and trust in you. Only this. Take care of it. Keep an eye on this. Concentrate all your effort here. Absolutely everything depends on this: - your existence in me, - your vocation and mission towards the world, which hangs on the thread of Love that passes through you. If you break this thread through your negligence, you too will perish along with those you were supposed to save. I created you to fulfill this calling, because this is My will - My holy will, to which you gave yourself consciously and voluntarily.

SDD 553 - My power and My love is beyond the will of people. I can make everything happen and make it real. It's up to me to make things happen that are impossible from a human point of view. But you have faith, and faith works miracles. Continue in such faith and trust that every day will be a miracle of My love in you.
In My love there is everything: There is the whole world and much more. And My love is in you and it is the only one you need, and only in it you will find peace and joy. She feeds you and satisfies you, you take pleasure in her - only in her.
Why do you continue to experience what comes from people? Why do you analyze their actions and your own reactions? Why do you want to be someone in their eyes? Do you think they can give you something or take something from you? Yes, they can, but only when I am in them, when you see Me in them and look for Me.
I want to take you away from the sensations coming from outside. I want to focus you on what is happening in your soul. There is a lot there and a lot is going on, and there will be a lot more going on if you look for everything there and not outside to people.
That's why I make the world hurt you. You do not belong to the world and do not seek fulfillment of your heart's desires in it. Don't look for love and recognition there.
I want to give you so much, I have so much for you. I so desire your exclusive love, completely devoted to me.

Alice: It's good that my eyes hurt and the brightness of the world is shocking. Good thing I can't look - not even physically. It is a great grace to be able to close your eyes. Why can't you close your ears?
JESUS: But we must participate, albeit in a different way. This is also a cross and grace... and joy in the cross, which is a grace given to the chosen children of My love. The Love that I pour into your heart will transform everything and everything will turn into the joy of Love. Into the intoxication of love, into the loss and madness of Love.
Don't let people stop you, both those who love you and those who are unfriendly towards you. Let no one and nothing stop you from entering the fire of Love that cleanses, transforms and sanctifies. I have come to bring fire to the earth, and nothing can resist it. He will burn and destroy, and he will generate and create. I have come to cleanse the land and your homeland and your heart. Come to meet Me and open your heart, let it burn, let light reign within it.

Alice: There was fire, a pillar of fire, red and menacing. And the man burned. And the fire became brighter and brighter, and the man's pain turned into joy. And man became a Host, white, radiating great light, illuminating the darkness and carrying love.
The image of the transformation of man into Christ appeared last Tuesday during Holy Mass and returned with greater understanding today.
My Savior, is my prayer and my abiding in You what it should be?
JESUS: This is the calling of your sacrificial love, until I demand more.

SDD 778 - I love you and I care about your affairs. Even the smallest ones. Do everything for Me and I will do everything for you.

Alice: You are so clearly with me, you come with so much love.
JESUS: I love you. I want to penetrate everything in you.

Alice: And you penetrate. You do it with power and love.
JESUS: I love you and this is My love. Snuggle up to Me and absorb it.
SDD 872 - A lot hangs on your trust. Let your heart keep calling to Me and trusting everything. And be completely submissive to Me.
Holiness is not the absence of failures and weaknesses, but the perfect desire to submit to My will and fulfill it. Your joy is in fulfilling My will. And happiness, and peace of heart too.