Faith - study
SDD 511 - Alice: You told me to examine myself today. Even without examination, the imperfections of my faith are visible: unnecessary words, laziness, absent-mindedness, forgetting Your commands.
With such a cluttered heart I came to You, Lord.
JESUS: I showed you how much it is necessary to constantly care about your state of faith and to constantly, on an ongoing basis, give Me all your imperfections, flaws and failures. I make you aware of this and show you so that your sensitivity and need for My care increase.
Pure Faith
SDD 279 - I have loved you with an eternal love. Your adherence to Me should be based only on faith. Pure faith does not have to refer to experiences and consolations. It is based on will and trust in My Word, in My Love.
This trust moves your will, which compels you to do many things that are difficult for Me, for My Love, because you love Me and want to please Me. Do what is good in My eyes.
The stronger your love and determination to follow Me, the less role spiritual consolations and external facilitations play. Great love matures in difficult conditions and proves itself in them. You need this test as reinforcement. The scale of difficulties proves the degree of your perfection. So accept them with peace and serenity. They are tailored to your capabilities and the needs of your further development.
I know you suffer from distractions and obsessive thoughts. You must accept them, place them before Me and trustfully trust in My power - surrender to it.
Faith Hope Love
SP 249 - Hope is wings, love is the rudder, and faith is sight. The pain, however, is proportional to the distance from Me and turning towards oneself.
SP 77 - Alice: During the Holy Mass, a tear rolled down the outer wall of the chalice - after the consecration, just before raising the chalice. I do not know what it means. Everything on the altar table was alive, as if moving and emanating outward with trembling lights.
I felt the words: On the Eucharistic Altar during the sacrifice, energy is concentrated - the power that creates and sustains the life of millions of beings. Hidden from the human eye is My Holy Power. Hidden to provide the opportunity for the merit of faith and trust.
Blessed are those who do not see and yet believe. Who do not feel, but are full of gratitude and adoration, who do not feel, but want to love with all their human hearts.
Blessed are those who, remaining in the darkness of faith, are full of light and spread it abroad. Blessed are those who do not see and yet see.
In My cup there is not only My Blood - there are also the tears of the Mother and the tears of all those who co-offer themselves with Me and drink from My Cup of the Sacrifice of Atonement.
Philippians 2:5 Let this desire give you life; it was also in Christ Jesus.
It was also My tear for a world striving for self-annihilation. I call and cry in the millions of hearts of My children: Help your brothers come back to life. Help with your tears to wipe away My tears and those of My Mother - Queen of the world.
SDD 40 - Alice: What to do to arouse the faith that moves mountains?
JESUS: Trust. The greatest enemy of faith is doubt. So trust.
SDD 59 - ... The merit of faith consists in the fact that a person believes, even though he does not know, even though his mind tells him otherwise.
Faith is trust in My Word, My Promise. As long as you are human, you will not fully understand, but you can still fully trust and act in accordance with what you profess. Consistency is the only thing that counts. Feelings are valuable, but if they do not decide about life, about acting in accordance with My Word, they are worth nothing, because they are a lie.
Think about it and review your everyday life. I demand more from you because I want to give you more.
Don't be afraid of not being able to get up. I know what you are capable of, and I want you to achieve everything that is possible for you. Trust and let Me work in your life. Don't make it difficult or limiting. You can achieve much - I have made it possible for you. So trust and submit to My will.
Be zealous to do good, no matter what difficulties you encounter.
SDD 69 - JESUS: We must pray for faith every day and build it with daily effort, so that it will be great and have something to nourish us. Feed your faith with the facts of life. Nurture it diligently so that it blooms and bears fruit.
Alice: What?
JESUS: Peace, joy, confidence in action, freedom, wealth... You are My child, and therefore My heir. Faith makes you My child. Take care of her.
SDD 83 - Faith is more important than experience. Faith is merit and experience is grace. You give Me fervent faith, and I will give you graces.
SDD 101 - Keep asking for faith. What it will be like depends on the strength and continuity of wanting it and asking for it. Faith is the source of everything. Not intellectual recognition - it can be the beginning, but it doesn't have to be - but childlike trust: complete and absolute. Ask for this reflex of trust in every situation. Only children and great saints can have such trust. In children it is natural, in saints it is earned through the hard work of many years. What is most important, most valuable, requires the greatest effort. Maximum and continuous effort.
Alice: I feel like an ant about to climb Giewont. Life is not enough to enter.
JESUS: If you kept your eyes focused on Me - trusting and waiting for help, then... you would also help such an ant...
So be a hard-working ant to help others and climb together. Feel like an ant - small, helpless, but hardworking, full of love and desire. And rejoice, because the goal of your desire is also close. You have him in your heart. This is where the "Giewont" is located. And you carry it with you all the time. Look within yourself. See the space of your soul. See the peak you want to climb: it is there. There is real reality there, the one that really is. This is the only reality. Live in it, act, move in it. You will see how big, rich, diverse and beautiful it is. You will meet Me there, because I live there and I am always there. Enter your soul and come... I am longingly waiting for you there.
Alice: And I ran around the world to find you...
JESUS: But you didn't find it. And you found it only when you started searching in your own heart. Then I met you.
Alice: Is this spousal love?
JESUS: Yes, My friend. It is more perfect than the love between a child and the Father. Childlike love is included in it - it is its main component. But spousal love is much greater, broader and deeper.
I invited you to her whenever you received words from the Song of Songs.
Alice: It's incomprehensible. Who am I and who are you...
JESUS: If everything in you is love for Me, the differences will even out, because we will be One.
And the pain of living in the world is the result of separation. You know this pain. Come, I will ease the pain and silence the longing.
SDD 245 - Alice: Thank you for Your presence, JESUS. Great is Your kindness and goodness. Man also wants to touch you with his senses.
JESUS: However, the value of faith lies in trusting My Word and fulfilling it, despite the lack of confirmation by the senses. And to strive for spiritual union.
Do not desire sensual sensations - they are needed when faith is wavering or absent. You don't need them anymore. Unite yourself with Me in your soul. Cultivate My Love in it, so that it will not be abandoned and forgotten even for a moment.
Deepening contact with Me should take place both through loving service to people and in silence and isolation. You have to keep the proportion right.
SDD 461 -...
Increase my faith, Lord! Have mercy on my stupidity.
JESUS: I do it. I exposed to you your thinking and reacting mechanism.
I showed you this typical human way of trusting yourself more than your GOD. What is needed is absolute, total faith, contrary to one's own logic and the gentle whispers of Satan, who constantly entertains various doubts.
My child, what I said about faith and the mustard seed is true. The complete truth
If you could always be with Me in your heart and trust Me, I would give you My power - just as it is: unlimited.
But there is one more condition: you would have to use it only according to My will and for My glory - without a hint of pride or vanity.
This is difficult. I can only give my power to modest people - with a humble heart - who give Me everything and attribute nothing to themselves.
You have to completely eliminate your own "I" - your self-love.
Don't take care of yourself, even if others hurt you a lot.
You see: the reaction to injustice is a test of self-love.
If it hurts you, it means you still love yourself more than Me. And then I must limit My graces so as not to fuel your self-love.
Let me take care of your dignity and your value in the eyes of people. Don't do it yourself, because then I, with the help of people, have to painfully inhibit your self-love.
Dear child, you know Me, you know the love I have for you - trust Me completely, don't think about yourself, let Me direct everything that surrounds you and what is inside you.
I really want to share with you what I have, and I have everything.
Alice: I know all this, but my internal reflexes are different than I would like.
JESUS: There must be a tension of desire and an inner being with Me - constant.
And in important moments - absolute.
No joy or pain can diminish this. You must also rest in My arms and share every experience with Me.
SDD 532 - Turn to Me, I will work miracles in your life to be your strength and a sign to others.
You need more faith, My child. Blind faith, ready for anything.
SDD 678 - Alice: I thought I was still living in a fog. It's bright, but nothing is known.
JESUS: It's better for you to live this way. It is better to grope, blindly follow My voice - the voice of faith, than to know much.
What a commitment and how little merit when you know too much.
Your human limitations wouldn't be able to handle it. So accept everything with childlike trust and thanksgiving, even though you know nothing and understand nothing.
Be careful not to let reason be an obstacle to your faith. I am your food and I give you as much as you need for your growth. Don't be greedy. As you know, excess food can be harmful because the body is unable to absorb it without harm to itself.
It is similar with My graces. Everything needs to be matured, and that takes time.
Desire, but surrender with confidence to the pace of growth that I give you.
SDD 698 - ...In My action in the world there is always a margin of uncertainty that should be filled by faith. It must be so for the sake of those who want to serve Me because they love Me.
I don't want to take this gift away.