


Humility, the opposite of pride.

SP 119 - Old age teaches humility and devotion to GOD. One's own sinfulness also teaches humility. Humility is what determines your heaven. About what your heaven will be like.
SP 130 - I also felt how much the Lord loves such a humble pauper who acknowledges his misery and puts his hope only in Him.
SP 177 - Perfect humility is seeing in everything the gift of God and the Mercy of God, which wanted to use you for the glory of God and for the testimony of God's action in the world. Confess before people that it is not you, but the grace of God that does everything. Never attribute anything good to yourself, but always everything to the grace of God.
SP 179 - Humility is also recognizing the state of your own misery and the misery of every person, and constant thanksgiving for every gift that raises you to the dignity of a child of God, God's witness and apostle towards your brothers in sin and in the call to holiness. Every person is sinful and at the same time everyone is called to holiness.
SP 281 - That is why we have a weak and defective nature, so that we can learn humility through our own failures. And to see ourselves in the truth, to be good and forgiving towards others. In view of their falls, which often reveal the truth about us.
(They) also carry their misery in hardship and suffering, and we also hurt them. Therefore, following Christ, it is necessary to repay evil with good.
SP 382 - My child, remember that My power in you, the charisms I give you, and My use of you depend on the humility of your heart and the submission of your mind to My Wisdom. Today, Satan's action in the world and in human souls manifests itself mainly in the form of pride, which results in distancing ourselves from GOD.
Know and remember that the temptation of pride will always accompany you. It will attack your thoughts and feelings and will invade your will through the reflexes of your impulsive nature. Your salvation is the awareness of your weakness, frailty, sinfulness and immense trust in Me: My goodness, mercy and power. You should not have even a shadow of self-confidence and put all your hope in Me - your Spouse and GOD. / JESUS
SDD 108 - The thing about man is that he very easily attributes to himself the graces he receives. And pride grows in him.
If the grace received should lead to pride, I cannot give it. Due to lack of humility, I cannot give graces, although I very much want to give them. The greater humility, the more graces.
SDD 420 - Alice: Get rid of pride for humility.
JESUS: Desire to let go of your preferences and values attributed to yourself. Ask earnestly to know the truth about yourself. Only the humble can see their own weaknesses and understand that they are truly nothing. Only sin and weakness are yours - everything good in you is My gift. If you see values in yourself, thank Me, because I have placed them in you. And serve them in humility, because that is why you have them at your disposal. Your bad mood today is intended to help you recognize your fragility, impotence and powerlessness even in relation to your own body and to understand your complete dependence on Me.
Cling to Me, do not be afraid of the intrusion of bad thoughts, give them to Me when they come. Take refuge in My arms and trust in My Love. I want to strengthen and purify you. I expose your weaknesses so that you can renounce them and so that I can free you from them.
The most dangerous weakness of everyone is pride and self-love, which is why it hurts so much when I touch them and take them out of your soul. I will heal your pain. Open your soul to Me with love and desire to give everything that is in it. My touches will then become peace and joy, and your pure soul will unite with Me.
SDD 595 - ... The extent to which I will be able to transform you depends on the strength of your desire and not assigning any self-worth or any possibilities to yourself. Don't forget this, so that I don't have to cause you pain to teach you
