SDD 171 - Alice: Yesterday I made a mistake...
JESUS: You were forgiven because you repented.
Alice: Why did I make it?
JESUS: So that you would have more control over your impulses in your statements and not show off your brilliance.
Not everything that a person knows and can do should be immediately demonstrated to others. It can embarrass and shut someone down, or even cause a complex, or offend.
Excessive brilliance and showing off in some is the cause of excessive inhibition and shyness in others.
Alice: Do I have a tendency to show off, or rather the other?
JESUS: Both, depending on the environment. Sometimes you want to dominate those you can. Shyness takes over you in the face of those who are stronger than you in this respect. The motive for such an attitude is excessive self-love. Sometimes to impress, other times not to embarrass yourself. Sensitivity in this respect enslaves you.
Alice: What to do to change this?
JESUS: Don't think about yourself and pay less attention to what others think of you. What matters is what I think of you. And I know everything anyway, regardless of what virtue or vice your surroundings have noticed at a given moment.
So be completely natural and open. The motive for your behavior towards people should be love for them - or at least kindness. Taking into account their sensitivity and possibilities. So kindness should be followed by patience, gentleness, understanding, helpfulness.
Alice: Do I lack much?
JESUS: In comparison with others, maybe not much. But such comparisons should not be made. You should not evaluate yourself at all by comparing yourself with others.
The point of reference - the proper one - are My gifts that I have placed in you and the opportunities that I create for you.
Reflect on this and examine how you use all this to serve others; to shape your attitude towards people, yourself, and Me.
I have given you the unique gift of talking to Me. You can ask about anything, seek advice. To what extent do you use this to build good in yourself and others?
Alice: I don't know. But I feel guilty...
JESUS: Change it to serving others at every opportunity. To noticing their needs and providing help.