


SP 298- Nervousness is a symptom of the lack of G O D in the heart. And it is the result of the irritation of your soul by the influence of the evil spirit. It most often manifests itself in situations and towards people that you do not take into account and whom you do not respect too much, because you think that you are better and wiser than them, that they are dependent on you, and that you can allow yourself to be so. Impulsive, nervous reactions indicate not only low culture, but above all, frustration hidden in the heart: dissatisfaction, a sense of injustice, resentment towards people who have not met your expectations, an unconscious desire for revenge.

And when you look deeper into your heart, you will see the roots of this frustration, which are pride: an exaggerated opinion of yourself and contempt for other people. These are the true roots of your nervous, uncontrolled behaviors with which you offend your neighbors. It is a symptom of your inner division of the soul, to which the tempter has access, because there is too little G O D in it. Because there is too little humility and inner consent to accept My will. To accept all the events that happen to you as My grace and My teaching dictated by love and concern for the sanctification of your soul.

If you wanted to remain close to My Heart in humility and love and if you forgave in the depths of your soul - not so much the people you subconsciously keep accusing - but your G O D for not fulfilling your will, how different your heart would look, how great and deep peace and unity would fill your interior. How great gentleness would encompass your entire nature and how great love for all creation. You would be happy, and yet only a person who is happy in the depths of his soul is gentle, patient - subtle in his reactions and tenderly bestowing kindness and love on everyone and always. / JESUS