Original Sin
SP 281 - Alice: The Lord made me understand that man's entire earthly life serves to rid him of the stain of original sin, which is pride, and to prepare his soul for life in GOD.
SSD 167 - JESUS: I want you to look at everything through My eyes. I want to teach you proper assessments and the compassion, understanding and willingness to help that arise from this without imposing yourself, without imposing your tastes, views, supposed advantages.
Alice: Actually, we are all tainted with pride and vanity. Meetings of people are like a marketplace, where everyone wants to be noticed. They push past others with their statements to focus attention on themselves. The vast majority do this regardless of the position they occupy in the group. Everyone wants to be higher in the eyes of others - than they are. Those who have great and noticeable values also do this.
Why? Is there some pain in each of us, some lack of love and self-esteem? Do those who do not show off also desire admiration and self-esteem, but are too weak to push themselves among the stronger?
JESUS: This is the stain of original sin - the desire to be important, more important than others. Applause, domination, admiration, subordinating others to yourself. You also have it, although you do not like to push yourself.
This defect is the source of all evil. Satan builds on it, because it is the greatest weakness of man. Everyone sees themselves much better than they are, and this is not enough for them either. They also want confirmation from others, through admiration, submission, imitation, etc.
I have shown you a part of the truth about you, so that you can also see yourself better. So that you can be more demanding of yourself and more understanding of others.
Alicja: How much leniency should be maintained towards others?
JESUS: Much more than towards yourself. But you have to reveal their faults to them. Out of love - to help them see them and, consequently, combat them.
Heb 1:14 Are they not all spirits destined for service, sent to help those who are to inherit salvation?
My poor little children, if you wanted to know how much I love and respect you despite your smallness, you would not run after the admiration of people as small as you, and only those who also seek their own values in the eyes of others.
You are My children, My Kingdom belongs to you. Why do you run after the illusion and lies of what the world has? Why do you want to seek confirmation of your own value from others who lie to you in order to please themselves? Do you still not know who you are and who your Father is?
Despite your love and your sinfulness, the dignity of the children of God is deposited in you. Why fawn on each other, when it is enough to be yourself. Why pretend to be yourself, when each of you has authentic values that I have placed in you. Discover them to yourselves and respect them. These are My gifts with which I have endowed each of you. They are great and there is no need to add anything to them. It is enough to be natural and modest, and the greatness of the children of God will speak for itself through you. And it will speak of Me, who has given you everything you need. Stand in the truth and notice it. You are miserable and small, but you have My greatness within you. Do not diminish it by creating appearances about yourself. Believe in this in the depths of your own heart. Feel full of value, accepted and loved. I created you like this for life with Me and I have given you abundantly.
SP 344 - Alice: The Lord showed me that as a result of original sin, the soul of man has an open gate towards hell. Satan sits on the threshold of this gate, guarding this soul, and often he also has others to help him, as it were, specialized in various types of temptation, according to the situation and weakness of the person. They try to enter the interior of the soul. They sneak stealthily and the first one who succeeds pulls the others after him. When larger and larger areas of the soul are taken over by these dark figures, the main, greatest Satan enters behind them, establishes his kingdom there and spreads throughout the soul.
SDD 390 - There is nothing - only Me - because everything is a part of Me, the fruit of My Love.
And that is why you must love what I have created and those whom I have created - because of Me.
And yourself too, because you are My work. You must love yourself in Me: in My Love and My Will. You were created from it.
Everything that is in you is perfect except for sin.
Only it enslaves you, binds you and covers Me.
Alice: I try to live without sin.
JESUS: But a trace of human sin - original sin - has remained in you. It is your weakness. And its mark is that the material world covers Me from you. This veil that covers Me from you is your life in the body and in the world. The less the world absorbs you and the less you deal with yourself (especially your body), the more penetrating this veil will be and your communion with Me will be more perfect.
There is no other way to be close to Me than through inner emptying: abandoning all values that are not Me. In themselves, they are nothing. Perceive them only because of Me.
This also applies to people.
The new environment makes it difficult for you to contact Me, because it absorbs you too much.
Leave it. What does it matter to you. Let only what is important because of Me matter to you. So desire and help that everything be divinized by Me. So that it regains its original perfection - purity. So that you can perceive Me in everything. In all people.
They are the mirror of My Love.
Clean these mirrors with your prayer and renunciations. Do this out of love for Me, in union with Me.
In union with Me, it means that I will do all this through you, if you are completely devoted to Me.