Plan | God's plan
SP 221 - Generations that succeed each other in time complete what the Heavenly Father predicted in His plan. Every person who comes into the world brings something that is still missing in God's work of creation. And it will last until everything that GOD wanted is fulfilled, so that His work will be finished in its perfection. Time is a tool of this process, which no human or satanic force can stop.
God's will reigns over all creation, and creatures who oppose it do not destroy the Creator's plan, but themselves, separating themselves from the Source of Life.
Human beings received reason in order to know GOD, His will and the perfection of creation, and to cooperate with Him in fulfilling His will. This is the fullness of joy and happiness to which every human being is called.
SP 273 - Nothing and no one will spoil what I want to create. Everyone can only spoil what could have happened in him if he had been more submissive to My will. / JESUS
SDD 464 - Alicja: ...Thank you, Lord, for punishing my willfulness and teaching me how dangerous the consequences of disobedience can be. (Alicja wanted to stay at the Holy Mass in the church where she was for adoration and give up her previous plans to attend the ceremony of consecrating the chapel in her new parish. During the Holy Mass, however, she remembered about the spit being turned on. She returned home, where there was a lot of smoke, but fortunately, nothing caught fire, although it could have - short description Wrzos).
JESUS: I did not want to punish you, My child. I wanted to teach you, and I also wanted you to be in your parish. You see now how important everything about it was. I have shown you how many things are interconnected in My action.
If anyone opposes My will, he destroys My plans. People who participate in them have difficulties and complications.
A child who has given his will to Me cannot do this, because I use him as My instrument, and the instrument must do what My hand tells him to do. Otherwise it spoils the work.
Your mistake was that you submitted to your will, dictated by your own convenience, without asking Me if you were allowed. If you gave in to temptation and the illusion that nothing would happen if you stayed until the end of Mass, there would be a fire. And then there would be a punishment for disobedience, the effects of which would also be felt by other people. Others also pay for the evil done by one man.
Your disobedience would not be trivial, because you have committed yourself to great things. So be vigilant. Always ask when faced with a choice of course of action. I need your submission so that I can use you freely. I am constantly preparing you for this available devotion. You know that I need many of My chosen children to save the world. A lot depends on your absolute obedience.