The Sin of Independence
SP 91 - I have already told you many times about the sin of independence. You live on this earth in order to get rid of the sin of independence and to learn childlike devotion to Me.
Each of your situations and each encounter with your neighbor is different if you consciously abide in Me and desire that I be in you and in this situation and in this neighbor. You are not allowed - since you have given yourself to Me - to be independent, that is: without conscious unity with Me, to stand before anything and anyone. Or to allow yourself a flow of thoughts and feelings, words and deeds not subject to Me.
You are not allowed to follow with your heart or mind your egoistic desires, imaginations, projects. You should not allow anything to arise in you or reach your interior without unity with Me.
There is a huge difference between when you meet someone apart from Me and reveal only yourself (your weakness, nothingness, vanity, pride, etc.), and when, remaining in Me, you consciously reveal My wisdom and love.
There is a huge difference! And people see this when you are with them. And they are scandalized by you or cling to you because they see Me in you. And you are also responsible for this, because knowing that this is so, you carelessly ignore Me and do so much on your own in your heart and in front of people.
Independence is the main sin of man and humanity. And of Adam and Eve. And of Satan. And also of your
SDD 725 - ...Alice: Today, being among people, I showed impatience.
JESUS: And when you went there, did you ask Me to help you be patient? When you were there, did you surrender all your powers so that I would direct you?
Alice: No. What I had to do seemed completely simple and easy to me.
I didn't think to ask you.
JESUS: That's where the mistake lies. Without Me, everything is difficult: the simplest actions of the hands or mind, every second of existence.
You must remain in Me, ask for everything and surrender everything to My guidance.
You are always, like every person, weak, capable of every sin. But your weakness and misery are not sin. The sin is that you forget about Me and do not ask for My help, that you do not entrust yourself to Me with everything.
This is a sin against the first commandment, because love with all your strength and in every situation requires such dedication to your GOD and Creator. Giving yourself with all your strength out of love.
Your falls show you this. They are a blessing for you, because they convert you to Me. I am not angry, but I want to help you and I do help you, choosing the most appropriate means for each situation.
I do this to everyone - I do as much as someone allows Me and desires. Take this to heart and be more attentive and prudent. I know that you love Me, but love must be supported by wisdom and will.
Learn the truth about yourself, accept it and give yourself to Me in everything, in every moment of your life.