


Time of Purification
Time of Trial
Time of Retreat
Signs of Time
End Times
Organization of Time
Use of Time

SP 219 - The world and creatures meet Me in time. They appear and disappear in time, and pass into eternity when the measure given to them is fulfilled. In time I came to earth as Man to reveal Love. To show the victory of Love.

SP 244 - Every minute that is not lived together with Me is time wasted. A face down the drain, literally!

Luke 19,11-28 / The parable of the mines

SP 262 - Look for this meaning in everything before you reject or choose something from the reality that exists and affects you. Before you consciously reach for something and accept it into your heart, take the time given to you by GOD.

SP 293 - Time is pressing. Look how much of it has passed in your life irrevocably... and fruitlessly, even though there was so much bustle around you and among others. My child, where are you? Why do you leave Me alone in your soul, why do you constantly run away from Me outside?
Time is pressing and there is less and less of it, and you really have to leave everything and start the only pilgrimage that you have to make and continue to make every day: a pilgrimage deep into your own soul to find there the Bridegroom, for whom you have been longing for so long and so much. (to Alice).

SP 409 - I save you all the time. What happened on Golgotha ​​two thousand years ago was and is a sign of what lasts forever, because it exists beyond the time to which you are subject as a human being living on earth. I am your constant and eternal Redemption. I am still snatching you from Satan and giving you back to the Father, as much as your free will allows Me.

SP 410 - Because I am Love, I want to prepare you for the fullness of joy in Heaven by further purification of your soul through the hardship of life, suffering, service for the Kingdom of God and your conscious efforts. It takes time. Man, like a fruit, must ripen over time, in the rays of My Love that surround him.

SP 427 - If a period in your life and the tasks you had have ended, it means that something new has begun, no less important for My Kingdom in the world, in people and in your soul. Don't regret what's past. Joyfully open your heart and eyes to what is coming to fulfill My will, which places higher demands on you and brings new tasks.
What you do on the outside is less important, and what is much more important is the activity of your heart in the fight for the purity of your soul and clinging to Me with all your strength to build the Kingdom of God with Me.

SP 434 - Every second of your life is a gift of My Grace. So guard this time and your heart so that nothing is wasted on your way to the Father's House, to which you must return fully enriched with My Love and bring many.

SP 456 - All "your" time should belong to Me if you want to get to know Me more and more deeply and live My Love more and more intensely. To know through contact with Me and to share My desires and actions. In love there can be no separated, fragmented or dosed time. Either you love and are whole and always for Me, or you do not love Me, only yourself and your current preferences. Love does not tolerate the separation of hearts and desires, because it strives for an ever deeper and all-embracing union, as I said: with all the heart, with all the mind, with all the strength (Mt 22:37; Mk 12:28-30; Lk 10:27). The expression of this is blind, lost devotion, with the joyful: "JESUS, I trust in You." This produces blessed fruits: a sense of security, peace and joy. This is heaven already here on earth, regardless of external events and physical well-being.

SDD 39 - You should be better organized. Respect the time I give you. He is too precious to waste on unnecessary thoughts. Be diligent and focused.

SDD 54 - JESUS: Respect time. There's not much of it left.

Alicja: For me or for everyone?
JESUS: For everyone. The time of suffering will come. Get ready. And others - whoever you can.

SDD 61 - Alicja: What is the time you give us?
JESUS: A daily chance to follow Me to build your future life. It will be as it is built here. It is a chance given only in this life. This is an extremely valuable opportunity, developed by Me - you know how. And through My Mother.

SDD 98 - You have to share everything with people. Sometimes too. Sometimes it is a gift more valuable than others. Do not spare time for conversations that are useful, that help My children come to Me and be with Me. Be understanding and generous in everything, just as I am generous to you. Your mission is to fight for Me. Do this at every opportunity. Look for these opportunities and create them. You have to help people. And you have to hurry so that they can make it before the time given to them runs out. Before the time given to this world ends. There isn't much time left. Very little...

SDD 114 - The limits of human capabilities are defined. But you have to strive hard to get as close to these limits as possible. It is a lifelong program. That's why I give time. Don't waste your time on just any things and any thoughts. Lost time can never be regained, because your path to Me is endless. It will continue after death, although in a different way. The moment of stopping or retreating is a real loss.

SDD 118 - Don't rush. Haste does not contribute to more effective action. On the contrary. It can cause chaos and racing thoughts. You will do more calmly and prudently. And your heart will not lose peace. You have enough time for everything. I watch and take care of everything. Trust Me, also in the details of everyday life. I want to participate in everything and sanctify everything with My presence. Talk to Me in your heart. I don't like your silence. When you are among people, remember that I am with you, that I participate.

SDD 134 - Czas, który jest przed tobą, jest darem. Dzięki niemu możesz poznawać Mnie, przybliżać się do Mnie. Na ile osiągniesz to w czasie, na tyle będziesz ubogacona, gdy twój czas się skończy. Tyle Mi przyniesiesz, gdy zawołam cię do Siebie. Będzie to twój dorobek na całą wieczność - określi w niej twoje miejsce.
Ważny jest czas. Jakże bardzo ważny. Mów o tym. Niech go nie marnują, niech nie zabijają. Zabijanie czasu jest zabijaniem siebie i lekceważeniem Mnie.
Jeśli niekiedy nie stać cię na rozmowę ze Mną, na obcowanie ze Mną w Miłości - wypełniaj czas służbą - konkretnymi czynami. Czuwaj nad tym, aby był twórczo wykorzystany: albo w intymności ze Mną, albo w niesieniu Mojej Miłości ludziom, albo w trudzie codziennych obowiązków. Czuwaj, aby nie było pustych miejsc, jałowych myśli lub uczuć, lub działań. Dbaj, by wszystko, czym zapełniasz czas, ukierunkowane było w Moją stronę. Ja mam być adresatem wszystkiego, co czynisz.

SDD 179 - ... Nie ma czasu - wszystko jest we Mnie, a Ja jestem wieczną teraźniejszością. Dlatego nie należy martwić się o jutro. Jutra nie ma, choć dla ludzi jest. Jest tylko dziś - teraz. Tylko to "teraz" jest ważne.
Spotkanie ze Mną i pójście za Mną to to, co jest w tej chwili - zawsze w tej chwili. Wtedy ma wymiar nieskończoności.
Nie ma czczych obietnic. I złudzeń dotyczących przyszłości. Wieczne "teraz" jest Prawdą. Nie ma w nim miejsca na kłamstwo. Kłamstwo bazuje na czasie. karmi się czasem, który jest złudzeniem. ...

SDD 183 - ... Swiat, który znasz, istnieje w czasie i przestrzeni. Mnie te właściwości nie dotyczą. Wszystko co stwarzam, jest formą Mojej myśli - Mojej energii. Ponieważ nie istnieje czas, nie jest to proces posiadający jakieś etapy czy fazy i nic nie jest oddzielone ode Mnie.
Wszystko trwa, staje się i jest jednocześnie w wiecznym akcie stwórczym. Tak jest z tym, co materialne. Jedność ze Mną jest o wiele większa od tego, co duchowe.

SDD 293 - Czas nie ma znaczenia. Są chwile i poruszenia serca, które mają wymiar wieczności - choć dni przemijają i wydarzenia płyną przed tobą.

SDD 798 - Każda myśl twoja, która nie jest skierowana ku Mnie i każde uderzenie serca przeznaczone nie dla Mnie, jest stratą czasu, stratą daru życia twego, i jest bólem Moim.