

The suffering of Golgotha

SDD 500 - Alice: Is it bad that I can't be happy?
JESUS: Your Golgotha has begun and now you only feel pain. Then you will find peace and ecstasy in it, because you will know My love and presence in it. There is a difference between suffering, which is the lack of hope, and suffering that gives rise to the fulfillment of hope. The true meaning of Golgotha is the pain of birth. The creative pain of moving from the darkness of life on earth to the incommensurable happiness and light of life with Me. On Golgotha the evil of the world is concentrated in its last, deadly act. But the evil of the world can only kill what belongs to the world. However, it cannot touch a soul that does not belong to this world. The suffering of Golgotha is the surrender of everything related to the world.

Alice: Am I so tied up?
JESUS: You don't have much in common, but sensitivity is important. Goad is sensitivity. It's different for everyone. And this kind of sensitivity is self-love. Also different for everyone.
You are hurt by ingratitude because you do a lot of good. But if you do it out of love for Me, why do you care about people's reactions? If they touch you, it means your love is not pure.
Golgotha is a place of purification - therefore it is a place of suffering. You came here willingly, just like me. Therefore, the suffering you feel is not your purification, but above all it has the power to compensate for the sins of others.
It is joyful, saving suffering. The most perfect act of love What more beautiful can My child, My bride, do than to add her own drop of love to My sea?
If someone looks with the eyes of the body, he sees only suffering and death on Golgotha. If he looks with the eyes of his soul, he sees the triumph of love.
You are on Golgotha with Me. What you will see and experience here depends on the eyes through which you look. You are on the Mount of Victorious Love, although Crucified.

SDD 502: Alice: You touch, Spouse, with Your burning love, and then you remove yourself. And then the soul burns with a living fire and there is no cooling from anywhere. I want your love, but there is emptiness...
JESUS: I give you My sufferings of Golgotha. I cried out: "I thirst". It was My children's desire for love. I wanted this love, but they left Me. I am still thirsty and I am always abandoned. In your heart too, many times. I make you feel the pain of this desire. Get to know the suffering that you also cause Me.
This is not an excuse, My child, but you must know the truth about your GOD, who is your Bridegroom and to whom you have vowed love. I want to teach you My love. So you need to know her joy and her pain.
SDD 880: My great suffering was My greatest joy, because I liberated you and redeemed you through it.